What is this blog and website about?
Welcome! My blog and website will help you with homeschooling and frugal living topics.
Life speeds by faster every year, and if you’re like me, you wonder if you spend your time wisely, make a difference in your relationships and activities, and use your God-given gifts to enrich or encourage others.
Over the last six years, my blogs encouraged people to remember that their lives matter. Each of us is a valuable treasure. We need reminders that God loves us, wants us, helps us. I’ll continue to share encouragement about embracing the freedom of being true to yourself and to stop focusing on people pleasing, but I will also blog more about homeschooling, life after homeschooling, and frugal living. I will continue to blog about clean reads and books that encourage us in our daily lives.
One topic people seek me out for is about how to homeschool. I answer questions about how to homeschool to the best of my ability and point to different, helpful resources. If you have a question, please let me know in the blog comments or reach out to me on my contact page.
Homeschooling is a rewarding yet challenging job. I homeschooled my children for over 20 years. It was the best investment I ever made, and I would do it again.
Life After Homeschooling
That being said, the emotions that struck me when I finished surprised me. Perhaps sharing my struggles with adjusting after homeschooling will help you not feel alone as you find your new place as a homeschooling mom with an empty nest or with no more students to teach. Now new challenges present themselves. Do you have aging parents who need your help? Are your days busy, but you still grieve the end of a season? Where do you want to go from here? I hope you’ll join the discussions and share your heart with us. This is a safe place.
Frugal Living
In addition to homeschooling advice, people ask me about frugal living. Living on one income with a large family while educating and raising my children taught me to stretch a dollar. With the way prices are skyrocketing these days, perhaps such tips will be useful to you.
Clean Reads & Inspirational Books
I love to read and to share with you books that I have enjoyed. I often share about middle-grade and young adult books because I want parents to know about excellent, well-written, wholesome books for our children. These books may also be included in homeschool curriculums.
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Thank you for visiting my website! I want to help you with your homeschooling, so when you subscribe, I will send you a PDF of 20 Books to Share with Your Kids. I look forward to sharing with you soon.
Grab your copy now of 20 Books to Share with Your Kids!