Meet Michelle
Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! Let me introduce myself.
I love a good story, don’t you? Reading allows me to learn the stories of others’ lives through blogs, newspaper and magazine articles, and books. Getting lost in a novel is one of my favorite pastimes. I read multiple genres. Bible stories also show me lessons that I can apply today to make better decisions and to honor God with how I live. Conversations are another great way to learn stories. Through conversations, I get to interact and dig deeper with questions. Stories are everywhere. You have a story. It’s told in who you are and how you live. If we were to meet, I’d ask lots of questions to get to know you.
A little backstory

In addition to being a wife and mother to five, some highlights about me include that I like studying the Bible and learning about history. I think it is great fun to dress up in period dress. The dresses of southern belles caught my fancy at a young age, so much so that my wedding dress had a bustle. My bucket list includes getting a picture of me with my family in one of the Old West-type photos.

Short resume
Over the years, I’ve worn different writing hats. After I earned my B.A. in English with a writing emphasis and print journalism, I worked in marketing and public relations before becoming an assistant editor at a weekly newspaper. For a season as a freelance journalist, I wrote features and covered news for area weekly and daily newspapers, and created newsletters for churches, businesses, and organizations. I also wrote a weekly column for several years. I published articles and essays in Parent Life, Every Day Education, Home School Enrichment, LIVE, and Clubhouse to name some. For 20 years, I spent my days homeschooling my children through eighth grade and my evenings writing.
I belong to ACFW, American Christian Fiction Writers, and an ACFW critique group. I write YA fiction.
Other writing connections
In addition to my personal blog, I blog with 14 others at The Storyteller Squad about writing and parenting tips and about books for middle grade and young adult readers. Join our mailing list to get the Tuesday and Friday posts. You’ll discover some wonderful, clean novels and be encouraged.
I also belonged to Compel Training, a Proverbs 31 writing program, which educates and encourages writers, and was a member of the Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today proofreading team.
So, there you have it, a glimpse into my life. I pray my stories encourage you to embrace your special self and to live the adventure God has in mind for you. May you find refreshment here and know you are among friends. I hope you’ll share your story with me through comments or an email.
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