New habits begin with proper direction

New habits begin with proper direction

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Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Psalm 119:33-34


When I failed the pregnancy glucose test, I wasn’t surprised because I had been so thirsty for so long. My concerns had prompted an unscheduled visit earlier, but they did a finger blood test and sent me home saying nothing was wrong. Now, however, I had to follow a special diet, come for weekly visits, and check my blood four times each day.

The new rules seemed impossible and overwhelming. Determined that I would do all I could to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy, I followed their regime so well that as I neared time for delivery, I was still losing weight, but the baby was growing. My healthy seven pound, two ounce daughter was born before Thanksgiving which was great! I could eat all those carbs at the feast.

Years later at a physical, I was informed I was pre-diabetic and told to lose weight and exercise. Since I had been trying to lose weight for years and I walked a few miles every day, this directive was discouraging. Tell me how many calories to eat, I said, and I can do it. She repeated the same information about eat less, be more active.

Since this physician offered no real advice, I began my own research project which led me to a friend who told me about a website that would help. I figured out how many calories I could eat and the pounds came off.

Tell me how. Give me understanding. With the proper knowledge, one can tackle personal mountains that seem insurmountable. Little changes, a tweak here, encouragement there. Voila! Goals are achieved. What a good feeling this is!

Whatever challenge I want to overcome, if someone points me in the right direction, I will follow the exact steps, little by little until a new habit is formed or something new has been mastered. With no direction, I am stuck.

How beautiful it is that the Lord is willing to teach us how to live the way He desires. If we listen carefully to Scripture, He shows us the way. He even repeats it because He wants us to succeed at living out His plans for us. He loves us and wants what is best for us.

We can be overwhelmed with the task, but He doesn’t leave us to tackle it alone. He is there walking beside us, sometimes even carrying us.

I wanted three things: to have a healthy baby, to be a healthy mom, and to follow Jesus and obey His teachings with all my heart. He wants us to be healthy, and our obedience makes Him happy. He knows us and our hearts, and He is patient.

Be persistent. If you mess up, start again. You will change a habit or learn a new skill. I’m cheering for you!

Do you have a story of overcoming?

4 Replies to “New habits begin with proper direction”

  1. You amaze me!!!! Such dedication and struggle overcome. I remember when you were going through that. I do not feel I am in that place…and I am so proud to have you as a friend who can show me the way and share with me. I am glad I can sometimes encourage you…but you always encourage me as well 🙂

    1. Thanks, Deb. You have encouraged me a lot over the years and taught me lessons, as well. I am glad that I am able to encourage you at times. You are indeed a blessing to me and others. We just don’t see it in ourselves. I am humbled by your kind words, because I am simply trying to be a good friend and love on you. God bless you always.

  2. Jesus was, and is, the overcomer in my life. Fifty-eight years ago my dream of having two boys and two girls was shattered by my doctor’s words: “You must not have any more pregnancies. Either you or your child would die. I already had my two little boys, but only one little girl. I was devastated, and became terribly depressed. Then one Sunday our pastor shared some “little” sins that often seeped into our lives without us realizing it. One shouted out to me — self-pity. At the altar, asked Jesus to heal me of self-pity, and truly believed that he did. I went home, and threw my antidepressant pills into the toilet. After having taken them for two years, I never needed them again. I couldn’t overcome depression, but Jesus could. And He did!

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