Options after homeschool career
Transitions rock the boat. One chapter finished, yet you find yourself in limbo, in unchartered territory for you. As a homeschool mom, you worked yourself right out of your job! Now what? Here are four options to consider while you transition after your homeschool career.
Breathe. Take it one step and day at a time. Nobody needs to rush headlong into anything and cause further stress.
Seek employment
You might reenter the job market. Some homeschool moms I know decided to work at area public or Christian schools as teachers, teachers’ aides, or volunteers. What’s your expertise? If you like math, perhaps working at the bank interests you. Healthcare, retail, and newspapers offer opportunities. Besides searching for work in the classified ads in your newspaper, you can utilize Indeed.com and LinkedIn to narrow your job search to your interests and expertise.
Embrace hobbies, dreams
Another option is to embrace your hobbies or dreams. Did you like to draw or paint, but life pushed it aside? Do you like to scrapbook? Perhaps you have boxes of photographs that need organizing. (I do.) Have you always dreamed of publishing short stories or a novel? Take some time each day to develop these interests. As you know, I enjoy writing. The Lord blessed me with an assignment with Clubhouse, a magazine for 8-12-year-olds. My article, “The Girl with 60 Dogs” was published in the February issue. (The other picture is my story, “A Miraculous Gift,” which I published in the October 31, 2021, issue of Live.) Little steps provide moments of accomplishments that spur you on.

Yet another option is volunteer. Schools, libraries, hospitals and clinics, social clubs, community organizations, and churches all seek help. If you enjoy history, call your local historical society. Plenty of hands lighten the loads for multiple projects required behind the scenes. Opportunities may even feel overwhelming because choices will flood in, but prayerfully consider what would excite you. Try different options if you’re not sure. At the historical society, for example, you could choose from cleaning, creating exhibits, keying in items into a database, giving tours, writing articles, clipping obituaries, or filing.
Tackle projects at home
Lastly, you can tackle projects at home that got postponed like painting, cleaning, or landscaping. Cupboards, closets, file cabinets and basements often accumulate far beyond what is necessary to keep. Cleaning them out is a huge task. Sometimes our flowerbeds require thinning, or our bushes need trimming.
Our time quickly fills up. The big question posed to us is which option do we want to choose? Pray over your ideas and listen to your heart. Which ideas thrill you and energize you? Start there.
When you ended one chapter, how did you decide what to do in the next? Which of these options did you choose? Please share.
2 Replies to “Options after homeschool career”
Congratulations your published articles! Your writing blesses others!
Thank you, Gretchen. You bless me with your encouragement.