Police are allies, not enemies

Police are allies, not enemies

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I find it troubling that so many people distrust law enforcement these days.

I heard a teen say she was ashamed of her dad because he is a police officer. Around that time, I heard that a guy wouldn’t eat at a fast food restaurant because an officer was inside. I’ve heard from rescue personnel how ungrateful and rude people are for their services.

What has changed?

Why has such distrust occurred? Police are our allies, not our enemies. Firefighters, EMS, and paramedics also sacrifice their time to help others in distress.

Three police officers live in my neighborhood—a retired police chief, a retired police officer, and an active sheriff. Having them as my neighbors makes me feel safer because they know what to do if some bad guy comes lurking around. I trust their judgement about crime and criminal types. I’m proud to know them and am thankful for their service.

It’s really a sad state of affairs when a child doesn’t respect her father’s profession, which is a noble one. It used to be children aspired to be a police officer or firefighter. What has happened?

Police have stressful job

Their jobs are stressful. They are human. Yes, they make mistakes. We all make mistakes. I guess we can be thankful our work isn’t as high profile and under such scrutiny.

Most people in these professions have a servant’s heart. There are bad apples in any profession. That doesn’t mean when we hear on the news that someone at a bank lied and stole money that we all start distrusting banks. No, we are thankful that righteousness/justice wins. Truth comes to light eventually, and criminals pay the price for their crimes.

When I enter a restaurant and there are officers in the building, I know if something bad is going to happen, they’re there to protect me. I’m pleased to see them patrolling. If they’re doing their job, we’re all a bit safer.

If someone is afraid, I tend to believe that person is harboring guilt about something.

How should we all behave?

Be respectful of those in authority.

What a more pleasant world we would live in if everyone respected others and remembered that those in authority have earned an extra special right for respect because they have more responsibilities that they are accountable for. Their job to protect and help often brings lots of stress into their lives.


If a police officer asks you to do something, do it. They have their reasons. It’s in your best interest to listen. Why do people think they have the right to disobey an order, especially if they carry a weapon? If you have a gun, put it down. Put your hands in the air and say, “yes, sir”. Show respect. Get respect. I don’t get why people think they can outrun the law.

Say thank you.

We all appreciate gratitude. If you’ve done something wrong, apologize, and work on not repeating the offense. Accept the consequences of your actions. Be responsible and mature. Be law abiding, and support our community servants.

Do unto them as you want done unto you.

If you don’t like being sassed, then don’t sass others. If you want others to treat you and your belongings with respect and kindness, then be respectful and kind. 

Respect authority

In Romans 13, it says authority is established by God. Those who rebel against authority bring judgment on themselves.

The checks and balances set in place are to help protect us from the corrupt people amongst us, even those in authority. If we don’t trust the established system, we are headed down a sorrowful path.

Officers who act out of line get held accountable, just like bad teachers, bad bankers, bad priests, and anyone else who chooses not to follow the law. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, but we can do our part to keep it safer and be respectful of all people.

How have you shown support to your community officers and other emergency personnel?

Another blog about respect is https://michellekaderlywelsh.com/sanctity-of-life-shows-we-all-have-common-need/. When we put ourselves in another’s shoes, it helps adjust our perspective.

Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash.

10 Replies to “Police are allies, not enemies”

  1. I remember in the 1960’s when police were referred to as pigs. I have several family members in police work, so I have tremendous respect for them. But I also know profiling often creates fear in certain ethnic groups. My son once was pulled over for no apparent reason while driving cross-country to return to school. He had very long hair at the time, and I suspect he was profiled. Even so, I wholly agree with you on the need for respect and cooperation with law enforcement and emergency personnel. The vast majority of them are the best of the best.

  2. I guess I have questions about this issue as well. We all would like to think the police were here to serve and protect. But I have seen so many videos of them mis-using their power, racially profiling, etc. I check Rockford news everyday on my phone, and am appalled at former/current officers being arrested for this and that.

    I think *our generation* grew up thinking the police were truly here to serve and protect. In small towns, that is probably more the norm. But in larger cities, I just don’t know anymore.

    I guess it’s a hard call…

    1. It is a hard call with all that the media gives us. The news always focuses on the terrible things going on in our world. I sometimes feel that their news briefs are so brief and leave me with more questions. I often don’t feel I get the whole story. I understand with the time restrictions, details are only highlighted and that bad news gets noticed more. To make a better judgement, we need to know facts on both sides. I also know we need to know the bad stuff so we can be aware and vigilant for our own safety and that of our family. Still, all the focus on the negative causes us to feel so hopeless and helpless. It’s just a very sad state of affairs if we can’t trust our public servants. I understand how corruption causes such fears and doubts. The news of corrupt officers getting arrested certainly doesn’t help with the trust issues. I can’t help but think it all stems from a lack of respect on many sides. I also believe the media plays a huge part in forming public opinion. Anyway, like I said, I find that growing disrespect troubling. Thanks for sharing. You gave us all more to ponder.

      1. Excellent response, Michelle. The times have changed, and I think you “hit the nail on the head” when you said: ” If someone is afraid, I tend to believe that person is harboring guilt about something.” There is no doubt that there is more crime in our world today, and less respect for God and living His way. As you said, there are some officers who make mistakes and therefore lose respect for all officers, but I hope the doubters will take a little more time to see that most officers or up-standing and there to help and protect us.

        1. Thanks for sharing, Donna. I pray we can all be discerning in determining the truth and that those who are doing their job well will be seen for the good they contribute. May God help them to reign in crime and bring about justice and more peace.

  3. I agree! Police officers deserve more respect than they get these days. I have a few friends in police work — it’s a stressful job — held by caring, hardworking human beings who deserve our respect. They’re trying to keep us safe!

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