5 favorite Christmas blogs
Merry Christmas, friends! With Christmas this weekend, I want to share some of my most meaningful Christmas blogs with you.
At the end of a year, I scan my calendar to remember highlights of the year. So, when I was considering what to blog about, I revisited the following blogs which rekindled my delight and enthusiasm. I hope they do the same for you. Here are five past Christmas blogs.
The focus of Christmas

In December 2016, I shared what Christmas means to me. It’s important to me to keep the true focus of the season in mind: the birth of Christ. This can get difficult with busier schedules and more tasks to check off our to-do lists, but with concentrated effort, it can be done.
In December 2017, I wrote about Christmas carol memories. Do you have a favorite Christmas carol? Please share it and tell us why it is a favorite. “O Come All Ye Faithful” reminds me of elementary school choral concerts. It was a big deal. My dad’s favorite Christmas carol is “The Little Drummer Boy.” One of my sons whistles Christmas tunes all year long. I can’t venture a guess to his favorite. I think he loves them all. “Feliz Navidad” always starts us singing though. How about you?
Keeping a Christmas mindset
Another December 2017 blog touched upon three ways we can carry Christmas throughout the year: sharing with others, expressing gratitude, and keeping a childlike wonder and excitement in our daily experiences. Rereading that post reminded me of these important traits. Jesus is the Light of the World which we celebrate daily through every encounter. I pray I represent Him well.
Christmas miracles
Comparing contrasts in the Christmas story in December 2018 reminded me that faith sees miracles. In this blog, I look at Zechariah’s doubt and Mary’s acceptance, Herod’s fear and the magi’s trust, and the poor shepherds’ reaction to the host of angels announcing Christ’s birth. This is one of my favorites, and I hope you’ll take time to revisit it. The Christmas story truly is remarkable.

Keeping in touch with others
Lastly, I touch upon the importance of keeping in touch with others. I like to send Christmas letters each December. In 2020, I wrote about why I think letters are important. Do you send Christmas letters? Do you enjoy hearing from your friends about their year and their family? If you don’t like these letters, why do you dislike them? I’m curious.
I highlighted only five of my Christmas blogs. Many more exist on the website. You may search for them using the search bar. Simply type in Christmas. You’ll find them in all the different tabs: General Posts, Homeschooling, Life After Homeschool, Clean Reads and Inspiration, and Frugal Living. Christmas touches every part of our lives.
Again, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a blessed holiday with those you love. Which blog did you favor?
2 Replies to “5 favorite Christmas blogs”
Amen. Merry Christmas to you and your family. 🙂
Thank you, Melissa! Merry Christmas to you and your family too.