Attacks flourish: how do you protect yourself?

Attacks flourish: how do you protect yourself?

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attack methods

Attacks flourish around us. How do you protect yourself? We seek methods to protect ourselves online, in public, and in the privacy of our own homes.

We don’t have tall, barbed wire fences or guards around us, but we invest in software and use caution and wisdom in our decisions, keeping alert.

Number of attacks shocking

According to recent stats on my website, my protective software shielded me from 59,175 malicious attacks and 35,832 spam comments. I am so thankful for that protection. I receive weekly reports assuring me that I’m protected from the bad guys. Every time I read a report, I’m shocked at the number of attempts on me, an unknown in a big sea. Crazy.

But each of us gets attacked daily in different ways. Being aware of constant online threats causes me to invest in protection, but my spiritual, emotional and physical self needs protecting each day too.

People, who intend to harm us, attack us through other methods that we may have become accustomed to and might not notice anymore. We’re not immune to the destruction. Attacks just slip in unnoticed. They blare at us from the television or radio and sneak in through social media and advertising. It blends in with the news, making promises they never intend to keep, twisting information so that it’s hard to tell the truth from the lies. After a while, it just wears us down. All that background noise might even chip away at our esteem, cause us to lose hope.

It’s an ugly business.

This constant bombardment of malicious attacks and spam blend into our days, numb us, bore us, cause us to let down our defenses and guard, lure us to sleep so we miss the stealth as they sweep in for the kill. That’s what the enemy wants us to do, become numb to it all or just forget about it, so he can hurt us the most.

Bible offers solution for spiritual attacks

Where can we find protection? Thankfully, it is offered and available within reach. Where can we find hope with no strings attached, where we don’t have to jump through hoops and be afraid of failing and losing?

Now, don’t think I’m cliché when I say this, but it is true—Jesus protects us. He tells us this in the Scriptures. He never breaks His promises. We can trust Him to never leave us or forsake us in our troubles. By reading the Bible daily and immersing ourselves in reliable, scriptural teachings, we can store up right thoughts and protection against all the confusion and lies that try to trip us up.

I’ve been struggling through a difficult time, but my time spent in meditation with Jesus keeps the spark from getting snuffed out. My alarm clock radio wakes me with Christian music. When the dark lies persist in dragging me under, a song will play that reminds me of a truth I need to remember. It’s uncanny how this happens over and over.

Investments pay off

Thank God for his ever-present encouragement that waits to catch my attention, to remind me that He loves me and that I am His, always, now and forever, no matter what. When I question what am I supposed to do, the song lyrics say, rest in Jesus. When I feel alone, messages proclaim I never walk alone.

I keep my software updated to protect my online self. It’s an investment I can’t drop. Just like reading my Bible, praying, listening to Christian artists, and reading books that point me back to Him protect me from the junk attacking me. I can’t stop these investments of my time either.

I just can’t. If I did, I know it would be bad. Horrific.

Invest in protecting yourself. Malicious attackers lurk everywhere. How do you protect yourself?

Because You are my help,

I sing in the shadow of Your wings.

Psalm 63:7

Extra news: Join book club to learn about clean reads for kids

This is just another invitation to join the Storyteller Squad book club. This month, we’re concentrating on a middle-grade novel, The Other Side of Freedom by Cynthia Toney. Next month, we’ll introduce a young adult title, Quest for Celestia by Steven James. If you have children in your life and want to introduce them to some wonderful books, please join the conversation in the book club. It’s free and informative.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

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6 Replies to “Attacks flourish: how do you protect yourself?”

  1. Thank you for the reminder that we have these wonderful sites to protect us, Michelle. It is easy to ignore or even forget they are there.

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