How do you define “who am I”?

In the movie Overcomer, Thomas asks John, “Who are you?” This question caused me to wonder how do I define “who am I.”
John starts listing his titles: basketball coach, history teacher, husband, father.
Thomas presses on. “No, what if you are stripped of those, who are you?”
When John says follower of Christ, Thomas digs deeper by asking what does that mean and how important is that to you? Earlier in the movie John visited Thomas by accident—he stumbled into his hospital room trying to avoid being in someone’s way—and tells Thomas when he leaves that he’ll pray for him. He doesn’t pray for Thomas, who is dying of complications due to diabetes. In fact, John is just too caught up in his own problems to give Thomas much of a thought. Except, you see, Thomas knows a lot about cross country which John needs to learn, so John returns to glean knowledge to help him to be more successful. You see, it is all about John then.
I see this scene played out in my life at times and in the lives of those around me. When I’m the person being overlooked, I grieve. Guilt presents itself when I’m the one overlooking someone else.
Who am I is a revealing question
Thomas’s question is relevant: Who are you? Have you asked yourself, “Who am I?”
Our answer declares what is important to us or reveals how we’re trying to prove ourselves worthy or important to the people around us.
How we answer that question can bring us peace or make us unsettled.
When you answer who you are, you identify your motives for your life.
Have you watched Overcomer or read the book by the same name? It’s a powerful movie and book about a cross country runner, Hannah, who has asthma. She attends a school that is suffering huge losses due to a downturn in the economy brought about by a large employer in the town shutting down its facility. Hannah struggles to feel worthy. John, her coach, wrestles with what he feels is unfair and pointless. Each of them must determine what defines them.
How do you define “who am I”?
What defines you? When I decided to stay home rather than pursue my career at the time, my job no longer defined me. When I finished homeschooling my children, that title no longer defined me. As life goes on, my title changes. Waves of emotion roll over and over me during the transitions. But the same question resonates: Who am I? Who am I, really?
I am the daughter of the King, a child of God. Whether I reach my personal goals or not, I am loved. Whether I fail or my loved ones fail, whether the people around me like me or not, I am loved. I am beautiful in the eyes of Jesus even if I wear too many pounds, if my hair isn’t styled or if my body isn’t clothed in the latest fashion, if I’m wrinkled and saggy, if I’m forgotten by others. Because God thought of me before the creation of the world, I matter. Because He has a grand purpose for my life even if I don’t know what that is right now, I matter. God has no favorites. He feels the same way about you. You matter in all the same ways.
So how do you answer the question: who am I? I think when you figure out who you are, you find joy and peace and freedom. What beautiful gifts.
To read my review of this book for teens, visit the Storyteller Squad blog, HERE. It will be posted June 26.
4 Replies to “How do you define “who am I”?”
A thoughtful question.
It can be a tough one too since you need to dig deep and be honest with yourself. Thanks for taking time to comment, Aunt Nancy.
Yes, a thoughtful question. Some days I know who I am, other days I have not idea who I am. But, like you, I always know that I am a child of God.
It seems easy to forget who we are when we are bombarded with many other ideas and pressures. I think many of us need to pause and remind ourselves who we really are at times because when we forget, we get discouraged and sad. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Donna.