20+ comments that say I love you
Today, I share with you 20 plus ways to say I love you without actually saying I love you. While February tends to bring “love” into focus, loving others is important every day. I’m sure you declare your love in more ways than those three words also. Saying I love you comes in quiet gestures and loud proclamations.

Here are the 20+ comments I thought of that say I love you:
Be safe.
Let me check your car/oil/tires.
Here, eat some (food).
Wear your coat/boots/scarf/hat. Take the umbrella; the forecast calls for rain.
I made you this.
Let me wash that for you.
Call me when you get there/home.
I clipped this article for you because I thought you’d find it interesting.
I fixed that for you.
Want to hang out?
It’s hot; are you drinking enough water?
Let me share my fruits/vegetables/treats I baked.
I was just thinking about you.
I picked this up for you while I was out.
Take this seat.
I think of you when I hear this song.
Would you like to come with me to ____________?
I pray for you.
Let me drive.
I’ll pay.
Maybe we should turn around.
You can say no. You don’t have to do this.
I understand.
More ways to share care
Can you think of other ways you tell your family, friends, and neighbors that you care?
I have a neighbor who will occasionally plow my driveway after a snow storm, mow my lawn, or rototill my garden just to be helpful. Another neighbor enjoys asking me to walk with her. Another lets me brainstorm fiction ideas with her.
Certainly, presenting your loved one with thoughtful gifts of flowers, jewelry, chocolate, books, or something else proclaims your adoration too, but it’s the little things that often whisper I love you and settle a confidence deep in a heart.
What are some unique ways that you say I love you? Please share in the comments.
4 Replies to “20+ comments that say I love you”
Taking a neighbor’s trash can back to the garage after trash is picked up is one way to say I love you. 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Yes! That’s another one. Thanks for sharing, Melissa. I hope you have a blessed day too.
Those are all great ideas Michelle. One thing that I repeat often is that actions speak louder than words. I find that when I recognize an opportunity to bless someone that I feel like I am the one who has been blessed.
Thanks, Deb. What you say is very true. Blessing others always makes a person happy. 🙂