A broken leg story
Plans change in a flash. This is a story about how I got a broken leg and a broken foot by missing a few steps on the stairs.
Perhaps I should learn to hold my plans loosely.
Missed last few steps equals broken leg
My writing goals fell behind after two separate weeks of spring break for my daughters, much of which was spent in wedding preparations, and a week of sorrow at the loss of my sister-in-law and concerns for a family member who had a staph infection following a surgery. Scheduled blogs posted on time, but I don’t like to be unprepared. Yet, here I was scrambling for a blog at the last minute. A meeting was cancelled, and I blazed about the house feeling efficient and happy about a nice block of time to work. That was my downfall. At 10:30, April 12, I descended the stairs with my mind on the next task, missed the last three steps, and fell upon my legs and ankles.
The excruciating pain brought me to sudden tears, prayers, exclamations, and whimpering. I had been returning photo albums to our small library when I fell. Because I didn’t want my daughter to trip over the albums, I restacked them and pushed them out of the hallway toward the small library. Then I decided to crawl back up the stairs, across the house to my office, grab my cell phone, and call my neighbor for help. After she answered and said she was on her way, I crawled to the front door to unlock it. Then I crawled to the living room and hoisted myself into a nearby chair where I waited, still crying and shaking with pain.
A trip to the ER
Thank God for good neighbors. She waited while I gathered courage to stand with her help. You see, I didn’t want to have to go to the ER, so I hoped to be able to stand, but I couldn’t. With patience, she talked with me. I called my husband, who came to take me to the ER, though my neighbor said she could take me. Bless her.

That’s how I ended up in the emergency room that Wednesday getting my leg x-rayed. The doctor sent me home in a splint that went above my knee on the right leg and with my left ankle wrapped.
Because of my accident, I cancelled appointments and meetings. Inside I fretted as my work fell further behind in a snap.
Broken leg and foot specifics
I had to stay off my broken leg. Crutches proved awkward for me. My Aunt Nancy lent me a brand-new walker on wheels to use, and my neighbors brought over a wheelchair for me so I could attend my daughter’s track meets.
On Friday morning, I saw the orthopedic doctor who did more x-rays on my left foot because I said it hurt. Turns out the left foot that provides stability for me to hop around to the bathroom and to the couch and to the bed has a closed displaced avulsion fracture of the talus.
As for the right, I have a closed fracture of the proximal end of the right fibula and an unspecified fracture morphology in the right leg. My ankle is quite sore. My injuries swelled up after the accident. By Monday, I was less swollen in spots, but a portion along the outer right leg was swollen so I continued to ice.
The orthopedic doctor gave me a boot for my right leg. I’m just extra careful how I step with the left. I visit the doctor again for a check-up on these injuries four days before my eldest daughter’s wedding.
All this explains why I missed a blog last month, and I may miss some in the future, but I will do my best to not do it too often.
Family and friends offer aid
Family and friends help me and my family. I am grateful for all their outpourings of support through visits, food, use of medical gear, etc. Thank you also for your prayers and support.
These verses came to mind not long after the accident: Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4). God works all things out for our good and His glory. I will do my best to trust and be patient.
And please, dear friends, don’t rush going down any stairs. You don’t want a broken leg or foot! Use the guard rails. Don’t fall down and mess up your mobility like I did. Falling down the stairs messes up plans, prevents you from driving, and causes lots of pain.
Stay safe.
4 Replies to “A broken leg story”
Continued prayers for healing. I can only image the frustration in having to put aside wedding to-do lists and have others be your legs and feet! You’re amazing to brave cold track meets in a wheel chair.
Thank you for your prayers, Gretchen. I’ve had moments of frustration, but overall, it has been fine. I have many helpers, for which I am very thankful. As for track meets, it’s my year of lasts, and I am determined to make as many as I can. I have gotten pretty cold, but I know it is important to my daughter. 🙂 The things we do for those we love! I know you can relate. 🙂
Continued prayers for healing as well. I have been sidelined more times than I like to think about by accidental mishaps, and it is no fun to be completely at the mercy of others. But, even then, God always manages to send some brightness into the dark situation. Sending hugs!!!
Thank you, Deb, for the hugs and continued prayers. You’re right. God always works all things out and splashes in goodness to help us through. My prayers are with you as you walk through your own trials, as well. I’m sending you a hug too. 🙂