Etiquette teaches respect
Etiquette used to be more common. Teaching good manners in your homeschool will help your child to stand out and succeed because everyone appreciates the respect illustrated in such behavior.
Here are a few etiquette tips to get you started:
Etiquette equals thanking people for gifts
Send thank you cards. When someone gives you a gift, say thank you. After visiting someone, thank the person for his or her hospitality. Nothing is more disappointing than giving a gift that is never acknowledged. This neglect upsets me because this common courtesy seems to be seen as optional by many people these days. In the thank you, write a short note and be specific about the gift. Thank you for the set of dishes or thank you for the gift of money. Then add a note about what you appreciate about it or what you might use the money for. If you think people have to give you a birthday gift, wedding gift, graduation gift and thus ignore this simple gesture, then perhaps you aren’t really grateful for it or understand the sacrifice of time and money given for you. Usually, they give you a present because they care about you. Not saying thank you shouts that you don’t care. Do you really want to send that message?
Always RSVP. Because of all the weddings and bridal parties in the last year, this one screams high on my list. RSVP means to reply yes or no to an invitation. Give your RSVP right away to avoid forgetting. People are depending upon this information. Please don’t make more work for them.
Etiquette means answering calls, texts
Return phone calls and texts in a timely manner. If someone calls or texts you, there is a reason. The person wants information, or perhaps the person simply wants to show she cares. No one asks you to write a book, but a quick reply is always appreciated. Ignoring the call or text frustrates the sender. I think it is rude to ignore people, especially if you’re a business person. I figure if a business person cannot return a call, that person must not need my business now or in the future.
Look people in the eye when talking with them. Don’t be looking at your phone or staring past them. Make eye contact. If you want to be heard and seen, then hear and see others.
Don’t flash people
Ladies, when you’re wearing a dress, please keep your knees and ankles together. You might not realize it, but sometimes people can see up your dress if you’re not practicing proper care in how you sit. This is especially important if you’re on a stage or platform and the audience is below you.
Step out to take calls. Everyone doesn’t need to hear your business. It may also distract others from their conversations or work.
Be on time. If you are running late, text or call before leaving to avoid worry on the other party’s end. Time is valuable. The person waiting for you could find something useful to do besides watching the clock and worrying about where you are.
When I wrote articles for the local newspaper, sometimes people would not show up for their appointments at the designated meeting place. Once I rescheduled three times for someone who agreed to the interview, but never thought it important enough to attend. If you don’t want to do something, simply say NO. You aren’t hurting anyone’s feelings. In fact, you’re saving them from wasting time waiting for you when you never intended to show up in the first place.
Old fashioned manners are appreciated
Say excuse me when you bump into someone or cross in front of someone. Say please and thank you when asking for something.
Hold open the door for someone behind you. It shows you see others and are caring and polite. Even if you’re in a rush, do this. Sometimes when others do this for you, it helps you out if your arms are full also. Thoughtfulness should never go out of style.

Welcome a new neighbor. When someone is new to the neighborhood, it’s nice to see that others are happy that you’ve moved in. Bring cookies or a bouquet and introduce yourself. Everyone is busy with something, but knowing your neighbors is important.
Clean up after yourself. Wipe up your crumbs. Throw away your trash. Wash your hands!
Clean up after your pets. Grr. This one is for all the people who let their dogs defecate in my yard. Yuck! This is unpleasant for us to find and rude of you to not pick up.
Teach your kids how to behave as guests at other people’s homes. Don’t run in the house. Use your inside voice and don’t interrupt others. Use all the rules mentioned above.
There are more etiquette rules to teach your children to be responsible adults.
Being respectful seems to be a dying trait. Let’s help revive it.
What rule would you add?
Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash.