Join me: make time to be kind

Join me: make time to be kind

Sharing is caring!

“Who is that?” my husband asks as I strike up a conversation in the check-out line or start a conversation with a fellow shopper as I search for some hard to find item. To be kind is my goal, but not everyone sees it the same.

“I don’t know,” I say, often with a smile because my husband is Mr. Private. I’m careful because I don’t want to get stalked or anything, but chatting with someone makes the time more pleasant. Making time to be kind makes a day brighter.

I once kept seeing the same lady. I joked that I wasn’t following her. She noticed how much milk I had in my cart so we struck up a short conversation about supporting the dairy industry. She went away happy, and so did I.

Even if I’m having a hard day, I try to be kind as I shop. Not everyone returns the sentiment, which if I’m in a tender mood might contribute to my feeling lower; however, some other cheerful patron might shoot me a dash of sunshine and send me out of the store a little cheerier than when I entered.

Jesus thought of others on his way to cross

As I continue through the Easter story, it struck me that Jesus provides us with an example of thinking of others even when we’re struggling through a difficulty. Do we think to be kind to others, or do we narrow in on our own grief and pain? Are we spontaneous? Might a kindness change a life’s course? Let’s look at some examples from Jesus’ trek to the cross.

When Jesus trod that hard path to the cross, he noticed the women who “mourned and wailed for him.” He stopped and gave them some advice. He said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children . . . For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

Though he walked toward crucifixion, He still thought of others. “Don’t be sad for Me. I’m going to my Father. I have accomplished the work I was sent to do. No, don’t cry for me. I am going to a better place. Cry for yourselves and your family though, because those who reject Me will suffer far worse things.”

Jesus wants everyone to come to Him and find life. We mustn’t be afraid to share the Gospel. How will anyone know unless someone tells him? Neglecting this leads to a far greater anguish.

Jesus thought of the dying

The Lord also took time to talk with the criminals on either side of Him. One in particular changed. In Luke 23:40, one criminal rebukes the other, asking, “Don’t you fear God?” He saw that Jesus was innocent and didn’t deserve this punishment and death. Through his brief time with Jesus, he believed Jesus was the Christ. One would have to believe Jesus was the Messiah to ask Him to “remember me when you come into your kingdom” (42). Jesus knew the man’s heart and replied, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Even the hardened and desperate may be seeking love, forgiveness, and peace. Changes of heart happen even as people die.

To be kind includes not only being like Jesus but telling people about Jesus.

Are we thinking of others?

Our nation may be under quarantine right now causing isolation, but we can still reach out to others through conversations online or on the phone, through letters in the mail, and through our prayers.

During this unprecedented time, let us not become overwhelmed and forget to continue praying for everyone to find the answers they seek and to be comforted by Jesus. This is the time of year many of us remember Christ’s sacrifice. Opportunities may present themselves to share about what the resurrection means. Be prepared to answer questions and encourage others.

Finally, I invite you to go to church and discover more of what Jesus has done for you. (At this time when we cannot travel, visit an online church.) I encourage you to read the Bible every day. It doesn’t take long to read a chapter. Even if time is limited, reading a few verses will help you learn more about Jesus and the life He has for you. What you read can change your thinking which changes your life, which in turn can change someone else’s life. Learn from Jesus to stop and take a moment to talk to those you meet along the way today. Who knows, maybe it’s a divine appointment!

Please share in the comments what happened when you reached out to someone today. God bless you and stay well!

Read last week’s blog HERE. Other blogs in this series can be found HERE and HERE. I hope you are enjoying this series. Please let your friends know and invite them to subscribe for a weekly dose of encouragement. Thank you!

Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on  Unsplash.

4 Replies to “Join me: make time to be kind”

  1. Another excellent blog, Michelle. Even though I haven’t been out of the house to talk to anyone this week, I have done so in the past. I happened to be on the receiving end of kindness today.I received a “Thinking of You” card from our pastor’s wife. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one she sent one to, that’s just her way, but it made me feel good, too. That’s exactly what your blog is saying. Both you and the person you speak to will feel better. Good Message!

    1. Thanks, Donna for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts. It is a blessing to both parties, that’s for sure. It sounds like the card you received was a burst of sunshine in your day today. I am glad you are well. I know you reach out and pray for others often. 🙂 Thank you for your blessings to others as well.

  2. Yes, we must be kind and reach out and chat with others, smile and be engaging! Today on our walk, I smiled and said hello to everyone we crossed paths with (trying to maintain a distance of six feet, of course!) while my husband looks away and ignores people. We’re so opposite!

    1. We’re doing the same on our walks. 🙂 I’m with you. It feels rude to me to not be neighborly and at least give a nod of greeting. When I acknowledge someone and they ignore me, I feel bad. I guess I shouldn’t, but I do. Guess it may be a personality thing. Of course, it is always wise to stay safe and alert. Keep being your friendly self, Shari! It blesses people.

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