Category: Blog

General Blog Posts

Independence Day

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day! I wanted to wish you a wonderful Fourth of July and to let you know about my Storyteller Squad blog that speaks of the importance of knowing our nation’s history and what the United States Constitution says. I hope you will check it out. It’s a short read, about four minutes. How…

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A broken leg story

A broken leg story

Plans change in a flash. This is a story about how I got a broken leg and a broken foot by missing a few steps on the stairs. Perhaps I should learn to hold my plans loosely. Missed last few steps equals broken leg My writing goals fell behind after two separate weeks of spring…

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Holiday stressors detract from season

Holiday stressors detract from season

The holidays approach at lightning speed as they do every December. This season of celebrating Thanksgiving, the birth of Jesus, and the possibilities of a fresh, new year is supposed to be the most wonderful time, yet it can be difficult for some. Some holiday stressors are grief, finances, seasonal changes, loneliness, and overloaded schedules.…

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Taffy triggers fair memories

Taffy triggers fair memories

Taffy. Yum. Sometimes one catches a taffy watching a parade, but the most common parade candy—at least in our town—would be Tootsie Rolls, but alas, that is a chocolate flavored, taffy-like candy. But for me, salt water taffy reminds me of my dad and the fair. I like that better than any other kind of…

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