To dye or not to dye hair
–and other age related questions
To dye or not to dye—that is the question as I watch my brown hair turn gray. I find wiry pieces of hair and stare at them in wonder—did that really come from my head?
But that isn’t the only question I wrestle with regarding my hair. Should I leave it long or should I go shorter? Some claim shorter, layered looks give a more youthful appearance. Still, I love longer hair, especially if it bounces with some curls. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t spend a lot of time maintaining a hairdo. Wash it. Finger product through and scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. Ready to go. Sure, when I was younger, I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror with the hot curling iron or straightener, depending on the look. Now? I’d rather not spend the time. I want an easy style. An easy style that makes me look pretty, of course.
My poor beautician. She can’t count on me coming in every six to eight weeks. No, indecisive me wrestles with those questions: to dye or not to dye, to perm or not to perm, to layer or to let grow.
Hair isn’t the only dilemma
Looking in the mirror though isn’t just about hair.
Every female (I bet) desires to look her best whether it regards hair or fashion or body shape or intellect. I’m no exception, but I do lack a passion for shopping; it’s right up there with using the curling iron. My best shopping experiences are when I shop with my sister, who is not only fashionable but can always find good deals—another thing I seem to have missed out on in the natural giftings. She stuffs me in the changing room and brings outfits for me to try. She has an eye for such things. So, when I go out, I seek to wear pretty outfits, but at home, I’m comfortable in old clothes that primarily keep me warm. (Remember, I am often cold.)
Oh, how I’d like to look beautiful like the women I know with their styled hair and fashionable clothes. If only I possessed the extra time and money. Alas, I know how I spend extra time and money. I’d rather spend them on books. Books don’t care what you wear or if your hair is turning a wiry gray.
Priorities vary
It all comes down to priorities, I guess. Wouldn’t a fairy godmother work just fine about now? Or maybe, if I’d just take the leap and make a decision. I mean, hair does grow back. And if I look horrible—which is unlikely my beautician (or is it stylist?) would do such a thing to me—but, if I did, I could always seek my sister for some sort of fashionable item to plunk on my head.
Oh, I am not old, but I am getting older. Everything just takes more effort to maintain, and I’m tired. Is it even worth it? To dye or not to dye? To layer it or pull it back? I’m not super vain, but maybe I am a tad vain. I just want to look my best.
When it comes to changing hair styles, how do you decide?

22 Replies to “To dye or not to dye hair”
Nice picture! I like the style. And I totally identify with the clothing issue–desire vs. comfort. Actually, I guess that goes with the hair issue, too. I’m in short layers now. I prefer having my hair a bit longer, but when I do curl it (when I want to look my best), the heavier hair doesn’t hold the curl. So…short layers it is.
Heavy hair does keep curls at bay with the iron anyway. I have curled my daughters’ hair for special occasions only to have all that work go straight before we even get to the event! And that’s using lots of hair goop and spray! It can be frustrating. You look lovely in your layers. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and for liking my new style and for understanding about the desire vs. comfort in clothing choices too. 🙂
I’ve always been about ease & comfort! And growing up on a farm doesn’t exactly instill fashion sense into you. 😀
With superthick, wavy hair, I’d kept my hair short for years, since I was a teenager. And then my stylist, a curly-girl specialist, kept bugging me about growing it. I finally agreed knowing I could just cut it off when it got to the “Yuck” length.
She gently talked me through that stage and then showed me how to work with my curls rather than chuck them off. Now, I’m loving the new style. It’s not long, but it’s much longer than I used to wear it. And it’s so easy to work with! Thankfully, grey hasn’t set in yet, and the few strands I do have look like highlights.
Ease is important! 🙂 You look very nice with your style. Maybe you’ll be one of those lucky ladies who doesn’t turn gray. 🙂 I know it could be worse for my head. LOL Thanks for sharing, Brenda!
No dye. Takes too much time and money to maintain. As to length, I’d probably cut it off in a chin length bob. That would lighten it up so it would move, and it’s easy to take care of too. Plus, it would grow out fast if you want it longer again.
Thanks, Lisa. I will have to check out this bob suggestion since three people have suggested it. 🙂 I appreciate your input!
I have and continue to dye my hair…after all in,only 35( in my head)….really 53. Lol. I get it dyed every 8 weeks or so. Maybe I’m vain it maybe a complete diva, but I think it’s important to take care of myself. I guess it’s the way I was raised. I never saw my mother in a t-shirt. She always told us how important it was to take care of your skin and it shows….she’s 81 years old and has just recently started to get wrinkles. She always said taking care of yourself was having pride for yourself. I think everyone should sparkle and do what makes them feel good. I do agree with Lisa though….i think a bob would be really cute on you Michelle.
I agree we should take care of ourselves. Your mom has given you good advice. That is so cool that she is 81 and only started to get wrinkles! Yikes! I have fallen down there. 🙂 When we feel good about how we look, I think it gives us a certain confidence too. It’s interesting how inside we don’t feel our age. I feel the same, and sometimes even forget my age. Ha ha. A bob, huh? My mom said that too! Hmmm. . . 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Dawn.
When I started at the church I began the process to stop the dye and let it grow out to my natural color. In the back of my mind I told myself if I didn’t like it i could just dye it again. My stylist helped me to minimize the outgrown by evening out the colors with temporary rinses. Made it pretty painless. And I got a hugh surprise. Not only did I love the color but my hair is getting more curly as I let it grow longer.
Thanks for sharing, Ellen. I did not know you could do rinses. Maybe I could try that. I love curls too. You know, I can’t say that I have noticed any gray in your hair. I think I always concentrate on your beautiful smile.
I have always dyed my grays. I only get them around my temples and my part. It looks funny with just a few, and if I pull my hair back they look aweful. As far as cutting my hair goes, I’ve been letting it grow long , but I am getting tired of it hanging in my face now so I really want to get a nice layered shoulder length style now.
When I pull mine back, it’s way more noticeable, too, Marla. Layering has helped with mine not falling in my face, which can be annoying. I totally understand where you are coming from. I wish you the best as you decide what to do next with your hair. Thanks for sharing!
I cut it to shoulder length yesterday with some layers. Much easier to take care of.
Sounds wonderful, Marla. 🙂
I love your style Michelle. I like the layering. But I had to laugh. Not many people know that I went through cosmetology school and worked a VERY brief time as a hairdresser, only to find out it wasn’t the right choice for me. But there are certain terms that I learned during that time that have stuck with me. Dyeing hair isn’t really a term used any longer; it’s coloring your hair. Another thing that was instilled in us, was you don’t pluck your eyebrows, you tweeze them, and you pluck a chicken. I have never had hair I could do a single thing with, so now I just perm it, put a headband on, and that’s it. And yes, the gray is more prevalent, but because of my very fine hair, I can either perm it or highlight/foil it, but not both. So I go for easy over covering the gray.
Wow! I have learned a lot from you today! 🙂 I have been using all the wrong terms, and I didn’t know this about you. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, my friend. I think you look lovely, and I’ve never noticed any gray in your hair so your methods are working.
I love your long hair! Mine is too thick, even at 60 the stylists give me a hard time about how much is laying on the floor after a trim😂. My sister is like yours in every way, and she’s also my stylist. I just go in and tell her to do the usual 😂. I’m going grey, there’s no shame in that. Unfortunately my hair is straight but no more stinky perms for me😂
Thank you for your lovely compliment, Felicia. You are blessed to have thick hair and a stylist sister who is stylish. 🙂 You are right. There is no shame in going gray, and perms can get stinky. As we get older, we just notice these things, don’t we? Sometimes, I just wonder where all the time went because it seems to zip by even when it crawls–which doesn’t seem to be the case when all the kids are home, but I am sure you know what I mean. 🙂 Thanks for joining the conversation!
Good bog, Michelle. Love you new style. Over the years I have worn my hair at a medium length most of the time. I agree with all the ladies who say we need to feel god about ourselves. However, since I had cancer and lost all my hair, I am now happy to simply have hair. It is now grey and that’s fine with me. It is still MY hair.
That’s a very good point, Donna. It puts it into a more important perspective! So glad you are healthy now. Thanks for sharing, Donna.
Great blog! I find it scary to change my hairstyle, too, but I do plan to color it once the grays start coming. I have a couple of friends who do it themselves so you may be able to find an affordable option that way, at least for a few more years to keep people guessing at your age. P.S. I’m happy to go shopping with you any time!
Sounds good, Shari! 🙂 Thanks for joining the conversation.